Step by step instruction with pictures to make your own easy fabric or paper Origami butterfly! Use it as a hair clip,accessory,or ring!
origami butterfly instructions
1. Fold paper in half diagonally to make a triangle 2. Working from center line out make zig zag folds about 1cm (0.5″) apart, one half then the other paper butterfly folding instructions 3. Repeat with second piece of paper 4.
Origami butterfly by Evi Binzinger. Video instruction below.——-. What principles for cycling success can apply to origami for beginners? In this year`s centennial edition of the Tour de France, 2013, I watched with joy the& ...
Tutorial on how to fold a 3D variation of classic origami butterfly by Akira Yoshizawa - beautiful and very easy to make. Step-by-step instructions.
Step by step instruction with pictures to make your own easy fabric or paper Origami butterfly! Use it as a hair clip,accessory,or ring!
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